Home > Episode Review, Moshidora > Moshidora 04: Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Moshidora 04: Necessity is the Mother of Invention

"Oh no Nikai-kun, I'm not about in enage in a CG scene with you."

“After all, I’m obviously a Yuri fangirl and boys just aren’t my thing. But if I’m sure if you’re motivated enough, you’ll be able to come up with a convincing plan to get the other girls to engage in a CG scene with you.”

"I have it! I have a plan!"

“It will probably cost me my reputation, but the CG scenes! They may finally be within my grasp!”

"Guys, I have an announcement to make."

“What I have to say will be hard to hear, but the team will be better off because of it.”

"The truth is... I'm gay."

-shocked silence-

"... he's joking, right?"

“I mean, he was there during that CG scene in Episode 2… Oh God.”

"I know many of you are taken aback by this."

“Remember the times we talked about Minami, or Ayano in the shower room? Or even more recently, during that CG scene with Minami in the locker room in which we all participated? It must be hurtful, even frightening, to know now that my erections were due to very different reasons.

Therefore I will be joining the management group, where I will still be able to contribute, yet no longer be a cause for unease among the team. It hurts my sensitive, man-loving heart, but it is a sacrifice I am willing to make.”


(Yes I know the expressions don’t match too well.)

-hours later, in the clubroom-

"Nikai-kun, we're so moved by what you did for everyone!"

“We’re willing to help you discover a passion for women so you can rejoin the team! Pull down your pants!”

-gasps, deeply emotional exhalations-

“Nikai-kun, you’ve been holding out on us girls all this time!”

"... Meh. I've had bigger."

Okay so enough fun with the screenshots.

Episode 4 does focus on innovation. Continuing from the ending of Episode 3, Minami and Nikai come up with new inter-club training techniques.

Of course, I can see the value of sprinting with the track team, and getting Asano to train in Judo so as to build up his balance

Japan: the land where cute little girls can thoroughly kick your ass.

But with the Home Economics club, they eat and comment on food. Maybe Minami wants her team to learn how to give constructive criticism. Or maybe she’s just freeloading.

Moshidora’s getting there, although I’m not sure where exactly ‘there’ is. The Management wisdom when applied to baseball no longer seems as clunky as before. It might be that the scriptwriters got better at adapting the original story. It’s probably more likely that I just got used to it.

As it turns out, I did get the Minami fanservice I wished for, but of a different variety.

Oh God Minami is so cute.

I love Ayano’s expression in this one.

It's a Mio moment!


Minami-tan. Now available in Moe, CG Scene, and Omochikaeri.

  1. May 1, 2011 at 5:47 pm

    ROFL! Were those quotes seriously part of the episode, or merely out of your own amusement? Regardless, they were epic xD

    • JohnnyYandere
      May 2, 2011 at 12:13 am

      I would suggest that you not take any of my quotes at face value.

      Seriously, as educational and well-received Moshidora is, the episodes are so, so ordinary that I am forced to let my imagination run wild so I can enjoy them :/

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